
Category Archives: Uncategorized

Third Grade Students Learn Blogging

It always amazes me when speaking with a Baby Boomer business owner, that they eschew the social media tools and platforms as too time consuming.

They say “I don’t have time for that and don’t see the value in it.”

I say, “the train’s pulling out of the station, you can get on it, or be left behind.”Continue Reading

Beloit College Mindset List for 2014 Misses the Mark

The Beloit mindset list for the class of 2014 was just released and it’s pretty interesting.

Response to the Beloit Mindset List was immediate and mostly negative. There’s a lot of push back on the items listed.

On NPR the response was instantaneous. The writer particularly takes exception to several items on the 75 item list especially #58, “Beethoven has always been a good name for a dog.”Continue Reading

Millennials in the Workplace – Great Expectations

“I love flashmobs or commercials that talk about concepts rather than products; both are a refreshing change to marketing and make me feel like I’m part of something by engaging me rather than inundating me.” – Mia, age 24 They are not like previous generations.  The communicate differently and view work through their own unique…Continue Reading

Oh How College Has Changed – New MBA Program Demonstrates Generational Difference

The Baby Boomer generation also has a small percentage of college graduates. Most boomers, both male and female learned their skills on the job.

They grew into their position. Many received promotions to the management ranks as “home grown” senior ranking members in their industry.

Perhaps that is why they are so committed to their children’s education.Continue Reading

Tiger’s Trouble and Generation X Social Existence – Top 7 List

In today’s social media world it simply isn’t possible to do anything and get away with it. Everyone has a cell phone, tiny video camera, and YouTube account. They await any single mis-step and rather than help, they use it for their own celebrity. From YouTube views, to selling it for $$$, most of the younger generation would rather their 15 minutes of fame than to help anyone. Wait, they will help you *after* their 15 minutes of fame.Continue Reading