
Category Archives: generation next

What’s the Youngest Age to Become an Entrepreneur?

One dictionary defines an entrepreneur as “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.”

Another definition of entrepreneur I found is “a person who takes an idea, product or service and does whatever is necessary to introduce it to the marketplace where it can produce revenue.”

They come in all sizes, shapes, and ages.  A recent article said that many retirees are becoming entrepreneurs because they still have a lot of offer and are not yet ready to “sit and rock” on the porch.

This blog post is about the opposite end of the entrepreneur age pool.  I watched as a 7 year old recently pitched her idea in Shark Tank.

An 8 year old pitched her lemonade idea in Shark Tank, got funding, and was recently featured in the Huffington Post. Yes, her company did have revenue. Yes, she did her own presentation to the sharks and it was excellent.

Today I introduce you to Maya Penn.  She started drawing at age 3 and today she is a successful entrepreneur who I have seen on “The Steve Harvey show.”

I could go on about her, but I will let her tell her story herself.  Listen to her Ted Talk.

Some trolls say negative things about young entrepreneurs like Maya Penn, but I commend her on her entrepreneurial spirit.  She is an inspiration.

You can check out Maya’s online shop at MayasIdeas

I implore all parents to pay attention to their children who bring forth their ideas.  Encourage them. Support them. Join them in the journey.

Many a young millionaire entrepreneur exist today because their parents not only listened, but also encouraged them.

Remember, you are never too young, or too old, to be inspired with the spark of an idea that can change the world.

Known as a highly effective teacher, public speaker, and communicator, Yvonne F. Brown has taught seminars on team building, leadership, communication, & management in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
Yvonne is proficient in a variety of management topics, including interpersonal, organizational, and intercultural communications, conflict management skills, and helps employees with their career growth.
If you would like to connect with Yvonne you can follow her on Facebook, see her in action on YouTube, network with her on LinkedIn or via her corporate fan page JAD Communications
Listen to her radio show at Blog Talk Radio

Sisters are doing it for themselves – Getting Educated and Ready To Change the World

By now you know that “It’s easy for us to recognize that a 17 year-old-girl who survived a terror attack against her life and against education for women, and that has spread the word about vital issues widely, receiving increasing support for her cause, deserves to be lauded with such a prize” Malala was shot…Continue Reading

The Future of America is assured: Millennials are Carving Out a League of Their Own

  What a difference a month makes! Just last month I posted about my great concern for the future of America. I worried about what would happen to the country based on several recent events including multiple valedictorians and Gen Y recruits who brought their cats to corporate job interviews. The Universe answered my prayers…Continue Reading

Hi-Tech and Low-Tech Converge in The Classroom

We live in a technology driven world. It’s global. Even countries with no infrascructure use wifi, cell phones, iPads and other gadgets that seemingly make life easier. In fact, as I watched a movie last night that was made in 1983 starring Burt Lancaster, I marveled at the hoops the businessman had to jump through…Continue Reading

The Wussification of America – How Schools are Preparing Americans for Failure

The new generation of employees were raised in an environment of trophies for everyone. The school system believes that if one student receives a trophy while the others do not, it will create low self esteem in the ones who did not. To solve this problem, everyone gets a trophy or no one does. While…Continue Reading

Using Twitter to Find Your Next Job – Learn how to find the Decision Makers Quickly

I recently attended a face to face networking event with a group from LinkedIn in Chicago and was surprised when some attendees told me they were “old school” and weren’t interested in sites like Twitter.

They had joined LinkedIn because it is known as a professional social network but viewed Facebook and Twitter as time wasters. Many of them are job seekers and I hope they see this post as it will help them to realize the power of Twitter as well.Continue Reading

Using Video Resume is a Generational Difference in Personal Marketing

One recruiting manager informs me that his staff has gone from receiving 2000 resumes a day to 40,000 per day. It is difficult to keep up with the high volume of people seeking employement and using the internet to post their resumes for open positions. It is no wonder then that job hunters have found a novel way to find a job, the YouTube video. Continue Reading