
Generational Differences Not A Great Divide – Lessons Learned While Traveling

I love the younger generation.  They see life through a different lens than someone of my generation.   It is not often that I have the opportunity to connect one on one with a twenty something person, so I was overjoyed to find myself sitting next to not one but three different young people on three…Continue Reading

Skype Interview Tips

If you are uninitiated and uncomfortable with Skype or being on video, you might miss opportunities. Skype is being used more and more for job interviews. It is increasingly a common means of achieving a live, face to face conversation with job candidates. According to a recent article in the Chicago Tribune, Skype is very…Continue Reading

Dealing with Adult Bullies at Work

Practice Preparation for these Predators If you haven’t met one yet, I guarantee you will soon, they are the bullies in the workplace.  More often than not, they strike without warning and come at you when you least expect it. Don’t be afraid, that’s what predators do.   But just as you protect yourself from scorpions,…Continue Reading

Top 7 LinkedIn Techniques to Help You Find a Job

It’s a new year and time to execute your plan. If you are still looking for a job, now is a good time to use Social Media to reach out to your network.

I’ve observed that many of the Social Media sites are upgrading, modifying, changing, and readjusting their functionality.

LinkedIn, the business social networking site, has also undergone changesContinue Reading

Third Grade Students Learn Blogging

It always amazes me when speaking with a Baby Boomer business owner, that they eschew the social media tools and platforms as too time consuming.

They say “I don’t have time for that and don’t see the value in it.”

I say, “the train’s pulling out of the station, you can get on it, or be left behind.”Continue Reading

Beloit College Mindset List for 2014 Misses the Mark

The Beloit mindset list for the class of 2014 was just released and it’s pretty interesting.

Response to the Beloit Mindset List was immediate and mostly negative. There’s a lot of push back on the items listed.

On NPR the response was instantaneous. The writer particularly takes exception to several items on the 75 item list especially #58, “Beethoven has always been a good name for a dog.”Continue Reading