Volume 2 ~ Issue 3 ~ March 2003

Capitalizing On Your Strengths

A lesson in using what you already have to achieve success

The JAD Newletter is an opt-in monthly e-mail newsletter providing Motivation, Inspiration and Hope to people of all nations.

Motivation quote of the month: "It's always fun to do the impossible"  Walt Disney

Capitalizing on Your Strengths 
A lesson in using what you already have to achieve success
By Brian Tracy 

One of the qualities of superior men and women is that they are extremely self-reliant. They accept complete responsibility for themselves and everything that happens to them. They look to themselves as the source of their successes and as the main cause of their problems and difficulties. High achievers say, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” When things aren’t moving along as fast as they want, they ask themselves, “What is it in me that is causing this problem?” They refuse to make excuses or to blame people. Instead, they look for ways to overcome obstacles and to make progress.

Totally self-responsible people look upon themselves as self-employed. They see themselves as the president of their own personal services corporation. They realize that no matter who signs their paycheck, in the final analysis they work for themselves. Because they have this attitude of self-employment, they take a strategic approach to their work.

The essential element in strategic planning for a corporation or a business entity is the concept of “return on equity.” All business planning is aimed at organizing and reorganizing the resources of the business in such a way as to increase the financial returns to the business owners. It is to increase the quantity of output relative to the quantity of input. It is to focus on areas of high profitability and return and, simultaneously, to withdraw resources from areas of low profitability and return. Companies that do this effectively in a rapidly changing environment are the ones that survive and prosper. Companies that fail to do this form of strategic analysis are those that fall behind and often disappear.

To achieve everything you are capable of achieving as a person, you also must become a skilled strategic planner with regard to your life and work. But instead of aiming to increase your return on equity, your goal is to increase your return on energy.

Most people in America start off with little more than their ability to work. More than 80 percent of the millionaires in America started with nothing. Most people have been broke, or nearly broke, several times during their young-adult years. But the ones who eventually get ahead are those who do certain things in certain ways, and those actions set them apart from the masses. Perhaps the most important thing they do, consciously or unconsciously, is to look at themselves strategically, thinking about how they can better use themselves in the marketplace, how they can best capitalize on their strengths and abilities to increase their returns to themselves and their families.

Your most valuable financial asset is your earning ability, your ability to earn money. Properly applied to the marketplace, it’s like a pump. By exploiting your earning ability, you can pump tens of thousands of dollars a year into your pocket. All your knowledge, education, skills and experience contribute toward your earning ability, your ability to get results for which someone will pay good money.

And your earning ability is like farmland. If you don’t take excellent care of it, if you don’t fertilize it and cultivate it and water it on a regular basis, it soon loses its ability to produce the kind of harvest that you desire. Successful men and women are those who are extremely aware of the importance and value of their earning ability, and they work every day to keep it growing and current with the demands of the marketplace.

One of the greatest responsibilities in life is to identify, develop and maintain an important marketable skill. It is to become very good at doing something for which there is a strong market demand.

In corporate strategy, we call this the development of a “competitive advantage.” For a company, a competitive advantage is defined as an area of excellence in producing a product or service that gives the company a distinct edge over its competition.

In capitalizing on your strengths, as the president of your own personal services corporation, you also must have a clear competitive advantage. You also must have an area of excellence. You must do something that makes you different from and better than your competitors. Your ability to identify and develop this competitive advantage is the most important thing you do in the world of work. It’s the key to maintaining your earning ability. It’s the foundation of your financial success. Without it, you’re simply a pawn in a rapidly changing environment. But with a distinct competitive advantage, based on your strengths and abilities, you can write your own ticket. You can take charge of your own life. You can always get a job. And the more distinct your competitive advantage, the more money you can earn and the more places in which you can earn it.

There are four keys to the strategic marketing of yourself and your services. These are applicable to huge companies such as General Motors, to candidates running for election and to individuals who want to accomplish the very most in the very shortest time. The first of these four keys is specialization. No one can be all things to all people. A “jack-of-all-trades” also is a “master of none.” That career path usually leads to a dead end. Specialization is the key. Men and women who are successful have a series of general skills, but they also have one or two areas where they have developed the ability to perform in an outstanding manner.

Your decision about how, where, when and why you are going to specialize in a particular area of endeavor is perhaps the most important decision you will ever make in your career. It was well said that if you don’t think about the future, you can’t have one. The major reason why so many people are finding their jobs eliminated and finding themselves unemployed for long periods of time is because they didn’t look down the road of life far enough and prepare themselves well enough for the time when their current jobs would expire. They suddenly found themselves out of gas on a lonely road, facing a long walk back to regular and well-paying employment. Don’t let this happen to you.

In determining your area of specialization, put your current job aside for the moment, and take the time to look deeply into yourself. Analyze yourself from every point of view. Rise above yourself, and look at your lifetime of activities and accomplishments in determining what your area of specialization could be or should be.

And by the way, you might be doing exactly the right job for you at this moment. You already might be capitalizing on all your strengths, and your current work might be ideally suited to your likes and dislikes, to your temperament and your personality. Nevertheless, you owe it to yourself to be continually expanding the scope of your vision and looking toward the future to see where you might want to be going in the months and years ahead. Remember, the best way to predict the future is to create it. Reprinted with permission from Brian Tracy

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Announcing the Book that will help you to achieve your dreams

Self Creation: 10 Powerful Principles for Changing Your Life  written by "The Jamaican American Dreamer" Yvonne Frances Brown is now available for purchase in the online store at: www.jadcommunications.com 

Help us to keep the story going - Join our news group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SelfCreators  It's FREE!

Share your story or just join in the discussion and (who knows) you just might be included in our next book (2004) - "Self Creators - Powerful Chronicles of Life Changing Transitions© "

TeleSeminars in 2003 Tuesdays 

7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. CST

The need to push the limits of excellence has taken on a truly personal dimension in that it reflects a commitment  to success.  

These TeleSeminars can help you to achieve your goals and resolutions for 2003!

Seminar topics for 2003 include:

  • How to use the Law of attraction to get what you want
  • How to write your book fast!
  • How to self-publish your book using ePOD to get it to the marketplace quickly
  • How to start a money making business online and make money while you sleep
  • Discussions on what you aspire to do, be or have and how to get it NOW!
  • How to write a book proposal
  • How to run a SoHo (tricks of the trade)
  • How to look like a BIG company on a shoe string budget
  • How to have a website for $100.00 or less
  • How to write and publish a book in 3 months or less.
  • Attendees will receive a bonus of 30 minutes of FREE DPV coaching©

To learn more send email to: Vassist@JADcommunications.com 

Upcoming appearances

Where's Yvonne? - For more information on the Jamaican American Dreamer,  send an email to JAD@JADcommunications.com 

AUTHOR INFORMATION. Yvonne Frances Brown, The Jamaican American Dreamer™, is an internationally recognized speaker, author and personal motivation, inspiration, and human potential empowerment coach . Yvonne helps people to attain personal greatness by taking control of their own destiny and choosing a future they design. Primary services include coaching, public speaking, keynotes, workshops,  and seminars for corporations and associations

JAD Communications International publishes and distributes encouragement aimed specifically at aspiring people of all ages. Coaching and enlightened discussion is the cornerstone of the endeavor, whereby JAD enables the ever-changing and enlightened mind of people of diversity, without regard to age, race, or background. To learn more about JAD Communications International and how it can help to coach and motivate your employees, your association, or your company, send an email to The Jamaican American Dreamer

Entire contents © 2000 - 2003  JAD Communications International - All rights reserved. JAD Communications International is a division of Ball of Gold Corporation. Ball of Gold is a trademark of Ball of Gold Corporation. Reproduction of this article without permission is strictly prohibited.

For reproduction rights and usage information, contact JAD Newsletter Editor

Coming in 2003

Mastermind Group 

The need to push the limits of excellence has taken on a truly personal dimension in that it reflects the commitment you have to success.  

Next series  begins June 18th, 2003   JAD Communications International (www.jadcommunications.com) will provide a monthly Mastermind Group meetings at the Plaza Club. To provide you with the opportunity to learn and grow together, the breakfast meetings are limited to small groups of 6 to 8 people. This allows you to obtain the most transformative, valuable results. 

Sign up now to ensure your seat is reserved.  If you are ready to go beyond what is expected and reach your personal best, then this is the group for you.  To learn more or to register for the June 18th, 2003 meeting send an email to us at: MMG@JADcommunications.com

Speaking Engagement

Jamaican American Dreamer to speak at The Society For Women Engineers Conference on March 22nd, 2003

Success Wisdom & Enrichment Building Our lives Through SWE 


Make 2003 your most financially successful year yet!  Join us as we go beyond what is expected and together build a millionaire mindset and make dreams become reality.

Your ultimate strength comes from simply saying , "yes, I need help I can't do this alone."  Then joining with others to work together within a supportive framework to achievement of your greatest dreams.

As the Jamaican American Dreamer says, "Dream BIG because the Universe will give you exactly what you ask for©."


The Company We Keep

Ken Blanchard and the author of Self-Creation 


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